Disease-free status in Lithuania
DISEASE-FREE STATUS in Lithuania/LIETUVOS RESPUBLIKOS gyvūnų užkrečiamųjų ligų statusai
Part 1(a) - Disease-free status from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in bovine animal populations/Bruceliozė (Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis)/Galvijų bruceliozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 1(b) - Disease-free status from infection with Brucella abortus, B. melitensis and B. suis in ovine and caprine animal populations/Avių ir ožkų bruceliozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 2 - Disease-free status from infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (M. bovis, M. caprae and M. tuberculosis) (MTBC)/Galvijų tuberkuliozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 3 - Disease-free status from infection with rabies virus (RABV)/ Pasiutligė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 4 - Disease-free status from enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL)/Enzootinė galvijų leukozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 5 - Disease-free status from infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV)/ Infekcinis galvijų rinotracheitas/infekcinis pustulinis vulvovaginitas | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 6 - Disease-free status from infection with Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV) / Aujeskio liga | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija |
Part 7 - Disease-free status from from bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD)/ Galvijų virusinė diarėja | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 8 - Disease-free status from infection with bluetongue virus (serotypes 1-24) (infection with BTV)/Mėlynojo liežuvio liga (1-24 serotipai) | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
Whole country/ Visa šalies teritorija | 2021 |
Part 9 - Disease-free status from infestation with Varroa spp./ Varoozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 10 - Disease-free status from Newcastle disease virus without vaccination | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 11 - Disease-free status from infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)/ Labai patogeniškas paukščių gripas | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
- | Disease limited to one area from 28/01/2025 to 09/03/2025 |
Part 1 Disease-free status from viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS)/ virusinė hemoraginė septicemija | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 2 Disease-free status from infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN)/ infekcinė hemopoetinė nekrozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 3 Disease-free status from infection with highly polymorphic region deleted infectious salmon anaemia virus (HPR-deleted ISAV)/ lašišų infekcinė anemija | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 4 Disease-free status from infection with Marteilia refringens/ Marteliozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 5 Disease-free status from infection with Bonamia exitiosa/ Bonamiozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 6 Disease-free status from infection with Bonamia ostreae/Bonamiozė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Part 7 Disease-free status from infection with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)/Baltligė | |
Territory (whole Member State or part thereof)/ Teritorija | Period, date of change of status and/ or other comment/ įsigaliojimo data |
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Last updated: 05-02-2025